
Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter: Convert Dates Effortlessly


Use the online Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter to change dates between the Gregorian and Hijri calendars. Before the advent of computers and the internet, converting dates, such as from Hijri to Gregorian, was a cumbersome task. With this tool, switching between these calendars is straightforward and efficient. This converter is invaluable for planning trips, events, and more. Keep an eye on this space as we delve into the details of the Hijri calendar, the Gregorian calendar, the Islamic months, and much more.

Pros and Cons of Using the Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter



The Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter: How to Use It?

To convert from Gregorian to Hijri:

  1. Choose the Gregorian date and enter the Date, Month, and Year.
  2. Click the "Convert to Hijri" button to view the date in Hijri format.

To convert from Hijri to Gregorian:

  1. Choose the Hijri date and enter the Date, Month, and Year.
  2. Click the "Convert to Gregorian" button to view the date in Gregorian format.

What Is a Hijri Calendar?

The Hijri calendar, also known as the Islamic or Muslim calendar, is used predominantly in the Muslim world to keep track of time. It began when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) migrated from Mecca to Medina. The calendar is based on lunar cycles, with months alternating between 29 and 30 days, totaling approximately 354 or 355 days per year. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, it does not align with the solar year, causing months to shift through the seasons over a 32.5-year cycle.

What Is the Gregorian Calendar?

The Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, is the most widely used civil calendar today. It was developed to correct inaccuracies in the Julian calendar, which had miscalculated the solar year. The Gregorian calendar uses a system of leap years to align closely with the solar year, ensuring more accurate alignment with the seasons.

Comparing the Gregorian and Hijri Calendars

The Basis for Calculation

The main difference between the two calendars is their basis for calculation. The Gregorian calendar is based on the Earth's orbit around the sun, while the Hijri calendar is based on the moon's phases.

Days and Months

In the Hijri calendar, months have either 29 or 30 days depending on the moon's phase, making the Hijri year about 10 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian year.

Leap Years

The Gregorian calendar includes leap years every four years, while the Hijri calendar does not have regular leap years, causing lunar months to drift through the solar year.

Conversion of Hijri and Gregorian Calendars

Converting dates between the Hijri and Gregorian calendars can be complex due to their different structures. Mathematical formulas and the Julian Day Number (JDN) method are often used for conversions.

Math Formulas

Several mathematical formulas exist to convert dates between the two calendars, though they may not always be precise due to the varying lengths of Hijri months.

Using the Julian Day Number (JDN)

The Julian Day Number method requires the Hijri year, month, and day to convert dates accurately between the Hijri and Gregorian calendars.


The Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter Tool simplifies the process of switching dates between these two calendars. The Hijri calendar, used primarily for religious purposes in the Muslim world, is based on lunar cycles, while the Gregorian calendar, used globally for civil purposes, is solar-based. This tool allows users to convert dates easily, facilitating planning for events and activities across different calendar systems.

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