gregorian to hijri online

Date Converter

Hijri Gregorian Converter
Easy to Use

Convert dates seamlessly between Gregorian and Hijri calendars by entering the day, month, and year. Click 'Convert' to easily and quickly switch between the two calendar systems.

Hijri Date converter
Safe & Secure

Our date converter tools prioritize safety and security, ensuring all conversions occur within SSL encryption for enhanced protection.

Date Converter
Open Source

Users can access the functionalities of the date converter tool without any associated costs, eliminating the requirement for sign-ups or software installations.

Date Converter

islamic calendar

Islamic Date Today (Based on Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. TimeZone)

Gregorian Date Today (Based on Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. TimeZone)


How do you convert a Hijri date to Gregorian?

Here are the steps you need to take to use this Hijri to Gregorian Date Converter:

  • Choose the Gregorian date and Type a Date, Month, and Year from the converter.
  • Click the "Convert to Hijri" button to view the date in Hijri format.
Here are the steps you need to take to use this Gregorian to Hijri Date Converter:
  • Choose the Hijri date and Type a Date, Month, and Year from the converter.
  • Click the "Convert to Gregorian" button to view the date in Gregorian format.
  • How many years is 1 Hijri?

    One Hijri year is based on the lunar Islamic calendar and is approximately 11 days shorter than the solar Gregorian year.

    What is the Gregorian and Hijri calendar?

    The Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar used internationally for civil purposes. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. The Hijri calendar, also known as the Islamic or lunar calendar, is based on the lunar cycle and is used primarily in Muslim countries to determine religious holidays and events.

    How is the Hijri date calculated?

    The Hijri date is calculated based on the sighting of the moon. It begins with the migration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD.

    How is the Gregorian date calculated?

    The Gregorian date is calculated based on the solar calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. It follows a system of 365 days in a common year and 366 days in a leap year.

    Is the Hijri calendar the same as the Gregorian calendar?

    No, the Hijri calendar and the Gregorian calendar are different. The Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar used primarily in Muslim countries, while the Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar used internationally for civil purposes.

    What is 1445 Hijri in Gregorian converter?

    A converter for Hijri to Gregorian dates is a tool that allows you to convert dates from the Islamic (Hijri) calendar to the Gregorian calendar and vice versa. It helps users to easily determine equivalent dates between the two calendar systems.